Fighting Off Internal and External Enemies by Taking Careful Aim

 The apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthias 9:26 that he is not “running aimlessly” and aiming his blows so as not to be striking the air. What does this mean for me? This means I must be single-minded and have sharp focus when pursuing my spiritual and other goals.

Not “running aimlessly” means setting goals based on my strengths, weaknesses and convictions. The foundation of knowing my strengths, weaknesses, convictions will help me to build a house with a solid foundation and not be aiming my blows as to strike the air. It means forming and living my true identity and not being formed by this world.

It is important that I periodically examine my life to be sure that all my daily activities are in accord with Jehovah God’s will for me and a road toward everlasting life. This means simplifying my life by discarding things I do not need and do not help me reach my goals. I also need to make sure all my activities are necessary and proper for the goals. This includes making sacrifices for Bible study and worship attendance. I also need to prepare for whatever activities are deemed appropriate and reduce or eliminate time wasters.

It is also important that my path be visible to all observes and be directed by Jehovah rather than myself or this world. Upon looking back, I see that I have spent much of my life “running aimlessly” without much evidence of a coherent path going anywhere. I need to improve this so that I am going in the right direction and it is witnessed by all.

In order to be a “doer” of the Word and not merely a “hearer” I must practice the principles I learn at meetings, in Bible Study, and from Bible-based publications. Hearing and not doing is tantamount to wasting time and striking the sky with my blows without landing a blow to the real enemy. I tend to absorb information without thought of using it and I need to change this behavior and practice. Practicing the principles will help me withstand temptation and change my bad habits.

I must be firm and rigorously honest in evaluating my weaknesses so I have a chance of not being tempted by them and can change my bad habits. This applies to evaluating my strengths an d setting my goals as well.

I must also learn to see myself as Satan sees me; a weak, fleshly being, that will give into temptation. Once I identify my weaknesses and bad habits, I must work at changing the habits and not being tempted by the weaknesses. Since it is easy to deceive myself into temptation; I must attend to my deceptive thoughts so I can change these thoughts or learn to ignore them.

How can I do these things?

I can do the things mentioned above by taking the training and instruction provided by Jehovah and practicing these principles in all my affairs. I must stop merely “striking the air” and practice, practice, practice. This practice will help me in aiming my blows correctly so I can defeat internal and external enemies on my way to everlasting life on a Paradise Earth. Aiming my blows correctly will preserve my energy. This will also show the necessary characteristics of self-control and self-discipline.

Who Am I?, Anwers to 10 Questions Young People Ask

Referenced Articles
Games, Insight on the Scriptures
Keep Contending for Jehovah’s Blessing, The Watchtower-Study, September 2016
Direct Your Blows Wisely, Kingdom Ministry, 2012
“Be Training Yourself”, The Watchtower-Study, October 1, 2002
How Are You Running in the Race for Life?, The Watchtower, August 1, 1992
Busy in Dead Works or Jehovah’s Service, The Watchtower, July 1, 1992


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