Jehovah is Close to Me When I am Broken at Heart or Crushed in Spirit

Notes based on God Cares for You, The Watchtower, No. 1 2023, Mental Health–Help from the Bible.

The Bible is the best source of spiritual guidance. It is not a health-care manual, but it can help me in practical ways during distressing situations. Most important it assures me that our Creator Jehovah God understands my feelings.

The main point of Psalm 34:18 is that Jehovah will support me when I am sad and anxious and He is eager to help me cope without rejection.*

Why might I be broken at heart and crushed in spirit? Well, I have suffered injustices and abuses at the hands of others. Thoughts of these wrongs bring up painful feelings that sometimes cause feelings of worthlessness. When these times are ticking, I need to remember and be affirmed by how Jehovah will sustain me during these times because he is near and eager to provide comfort when I cry out to Him.** ***

  • Jehovah is near is an expressive phrase that means Jehovah is always attentive and watchful. He is also eager to help me, when I call on Him.
  • Those that are broken at heart refers to the general grief that I feel when I face memories of the past.
  • Those who are crushed in spirit refers to those who feel they have nothing to look forward to. Though I have never felt this way I can imagine that it must feel terrible.***

In addition to what is mentioned above, here are some characteristics and feelings I have when I am broken at heart or crushed in spirit.

  • have a contrite spirit
  • be humbles for sin
  • be emptied of self
  • low in own eyes
  • not confident in own merit****

*  Can I Find Words of Comfort in the Bible?, Bible Questions Answered

** Do You Support Their Dignity?, The Watchtower, April 1, 1998.

*** Comfort for the Brokenhearted, The Watchtower, June 1, 2011

**** “The Tender Compassion of Our God, Draw Close to Jehovah


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