Goals are like blueprints; with effort, you can turn them into reality.
A goal is more than just a dream — something you wish would happen. Real goals involve planning, flexibility, and good old-fashioned hard work.
Goals can be short range (taking days or weeks to accomplish), medium range, (months), or long-range (a year or more). Long range goals can be reached through a series of intermediate goals.
Reaching goals can boost your confidence, strengthen your friendships, and increase your happiness.
Self-confidence: When you set small goals and reach them, you gain the confidence to take on bigger ones. You also feel more confident when facing day-to-day challenges — such as standing up to peer pressure.
Friendships: People enjoyed being around those who are reasonably goal-oriented — that is, those who know what they want and are willing to work for it. Moreover, one of the best ways to strengthen a friendship is to work with another person toward a common goal.
Happiness: When you set and reach goals, you feel a sense of accomplishment.
“I love having goals. They keep me occupied and give me something to keep reaching for. And when you reach a goal, it feels great to look back and say, ‘Wow, I really did it! I accomplished what I set out to do.'” — Christopher.
BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “If you wait until the wind and weather are just right, you will never plant anything and never harvest anything.” — Ecclesiastes 11:4, Today’s English.
Take these steps to set and reach your goals.
Make a list of potential goals and prioritize them — choosing the ones you want to work on first, second, third, and so forth.
Plan. For each goal, do the following:
- Set a realistic deadline.
- Plan the steps involved.
- Anticipate obstacles and think of how to overcome them.
Act. Do not wait until you have every detail worked out to get started. Ask yourself, ‘What is the very first thing I can do toward reaching my goal?’ Track you progress as you complete each step.
BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “The plans of the diligent surely lead to success.” — Proverbs 21:5.
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